long time and no updates .heres an attempt to revive my blog which is long dead.....trying to break thru the vicious cycles thriving upon sheer laziness.
just the other day ,blog-hopping, found this amazing piece of doodle.plain brilliant.
p.s-all credits to this doodle goes to mr. kulkarni
love love love...hmmm
hmmm... love is in the air!!! ;))
nice doodle! :D
ahem ahem....
man ....u got it wrong ..the doodle was all abt the geeky sense of humour and thats it .
i think d wrong thing in d whole equation is d word "i" which come b4 love(x).
"i" is d 1 which can make real part of(e^"i"love(x)) zero or infinite. "i" means.....
how "i" am,how "i" think,how "i" love,how "i" take things & in which way.
dat caption should be " IMAGINE, LOVE IS PURE,GET REAL"
Dont get it wrong..dats my geeky (geeky?)nahi....vicky sense of humor...& dats it..
u ppl got it thoroughly wrong man.it was just abt the geeko humour.
welcome saar.thank u for taking pains to visit this blog and of course "i"magining abt things..howsoever "i"nnocuous,"i"nane and "i"mbecile they might have been .i truly appreciate it.
Hormonal Tandav stuck you too...kyun Pratap, agree....
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